Travelling in midlife offers a wealth of enjoyable new adventures and destinations. Whether you’re travelling alone, with a partner, family members or friends, there’s a world of experiences waiting to be discovered.

Eleanor's Letter: A review of my week at a top UK silent retreat
NOON founder Eleanor Mills experiences and reviews Sharpham Hall, one of the top silent retreats in the UK

“The biggest thing I took away from the trip was the reminder that we are never alone in facing challenges and problems"
Ali Fairhurst (far left in the front row in the pic above) was one of the group of 12 women on the first ever Noon tour, to Morocco. It was an experience that she will treasure for so many reasons, as she explains.

The joy of our midlife gap year & why you should do it too
When Kathinka Horn and her husband Kirstan decided they wanted to shake things up in their lives, they made the decision to go on the sort of trip that most of us only dream of.

Iceland - a country like no other
Majestic landscapes, thrilling sights and wonderful adventures are what Diane Kenwood discovered on an unexpected trip to Iceland.

Sailing in the Aegean - relaxation taken to the extreme
When Diane Kenwood looked around for a relaxing holiday to spend with her oldest friend, a week's sailing along the Turkish coast caught their eye.