Transformation Stories

How to become a garden designer in midlife: My story
Alice Cairns always loved plants. Then she started wondering how to become a garden designer and do it as a new midlife career...

“I realised this was the thing I was here to do.”
Her own difficult childhood experience as a mixed-race girl brought up by a white family, and a transformational experience led Rebekah Clark to a lightbulb moment and a mission to change the lives and destinies of children around the world.

Looking back I see a woman, driven by hormones, burning her life down
Actor Juliet Cowan found going through the menopause bruising and bewildering, but she emerged feeling more powerful and having “grown into myself”.

The joy of our midlife gap year & why you should do it too
When Kathinka Horn and her husband Kirstan decided they wanted to shake things up in their lives, they made the decision to go on the sort of trip that most of us only dream of.

I went from being bankrupt and having a breakdown to running a successful business and helping other women to do the same.
The battles Sarah Pittendrigh faced when her life fell apart in her thirties and how she clawed her way back to a life of purpose, success and security has inspired her to pay forward the lessons she learnt through her experiences.

I was invisible, but now I've learned to show up and speak out
When film and video producer Nina Froriep left her native Switzerland to start a company and a life in New York, she couldn't have anticipated the challenges and rewards that lay ahead of her. Or that she would one day return to her home country with a whole new career.