Understand what’s available

There are a range of HRT treatments available, delivered in different ways. Find out which one is best for you.

The Queenager Guide to Menopause is a NOON editorial project, edited by Eleanor Mills, written by award-winning health journalist Jo Waters.

HRT can be daunting to navigate: there are lots of different treatments available, all delivered in different ways, including pills, patches, gels, sprays, and pessaries, so do your research and talk through your symptoms with your GP to find the most appropriate for you. 

After all, your set of symptoms will define what type of treatment is going to be most effective. “If your only symptoms are vaginal dryness and urogenital symptoms then you may only need local oestrogen which can be applied via a pessary, cream or ring,” said Dr Nighat Arif, GP and women’s health expert. “Whereas if you have multiple symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and brain fog, then a treatment that supplies oestrogen to hormone receptors all over the body may be a better solution for you.” 

While your local GP might well be able to help you, it’s important to specify you need to speak to one who specialises in menopause and women’s health. “Menopause is still not a compulsory part of GP training,” explained Dr Arif. “Don’t forget you can also ask to be referred to a menopause clinic at a local hospital if you think you need more specialist expertise.”