Midlife can mark an enormous change in our wealth and money life, either because of career, divorce, loss of a partner or even a newfound interest in investing. Here you’ll find financial advice that takes the angst out of managing your money, explore how to think better about wealth and improve our finances.

How women can boost pension savings
Midlife is an important time to pay attention to your pension and make sure you’ll have the money you need for the future you want

VIDEO: Understand what happens to your money in midlife with NOON & AJ Bell
Webinar with Noon and AJ Bell

Financial planning for childfree women
A quarter of midlife women are childfree, giving them a huge financial advantage – but their needs are rarely met or talked about

Why it's time to pull on your financial Spanx
As Queenagers are coming into their prime at midlife, it’s the perfect time to asses their financial situation and put in place the underpinning they need to have the future they want, reports Dido Sandler.

How to make your money work for you, not the other way round
The best way to ensure your financial wellbeing is by building sensible, reliable financial foundations. financial coach, Sasha Speed, explains why that matters and how it can be done.

Understanding your emotional relationship with money
Managing your mindset about money is key to feeling, and being, in control of your finances as Financial Coach, Sasha Speed, explains.

'I was the victim of financial abuse'
Louise was getting her life together after her divorce. Then her new partner needed a loan....

Why do advertisers ignore their best customers?
Women want to see their older selves reflected in ads. Why haven't agencies and advertisers caught on?

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Top 10 money hacks – or How to be the Queen of Mean
Lucy Reese realised that being good with money wasn't about one grand gesture but lots of small ones that add up.

Is cryptocurrency the future of money for women?
Want to know more about crypto? We take you through the basics of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin and the risks of investing in cryptocurrency.