Transformation Stories

I became a student again at 58

Going back to university after nearly forty years of work was Queenager Linda’s chance to pursue her long-held dream of writing a novel.

“I was made redundant in my 50s”

After a 30-year-career in publishing, one Queenager describes how it feels being the victim of mid-life redundancy.

Alcohol and high-achieving women - the hidden epidemic

Changing her own life after decades of barely concealed alcohol abuse, led former chartered accountant, Sandra Parker, to realise she was far from alone in her struggle. And to a determination to help other women, and men, to take control over their alcohol consumption.

“I was reminded of who I was on a level beyond the physical body I'd had such a complicated relationship with.”

After decades of being at war with her body, two lots of twin pregnancies and a revelatory experience with indigenous Amazonian tribes, have transformed the way Katy Walton feels about her sense of self.

From CEO to Intern: How a 'What If' Year Changed My Life

Outwardly everything about Alisha Fernandez Miranda’s life seemed perfect - she had the career, the family and the home she’d always dreamed of. But inwardly she was in turmoil, unable to quieten the ‘what if’ questions about the paths and opportunities she had chosen not to pursue. Her solution to the dilemma was both radical and life-changing in pretty much every way. 

'It's taken me my whole life to understand the only place you can be truly safe is within yourself'

As a child, Tracey Woodward lived in squats, went shoplifting with her mum and couldn't even read. She went on to become a wellness expert, entrepreneur and CEO, learning to live by her principles

Photo by Rick Guest

“I thought I’d die a pleaser. Then I hit 50 and now I just don’t give a shit.” 

Breaking free from her lifelong need for approval has meant singer, songwriter and musician, Judith Owen, can finally be her authentic, unapologetic self. And she’s loving it.

“Tragic circumstances forced me to redesign my future”

The devastating loss of her husband, aged just 49, led Liz Withyman to reassess her own life and health. Discovering Time Restricted Eating and embarking on a new career changed everything for her.

“I realised this was the thing I was here to do.”

Her own difficult childhood experience as a mixed-race girl brought up by a white family, and a transformational experience led Rebekah Clark to a lightbulb moment and a mission to change the lives and destinies of children around the world. 

“I realised this was the thing I was here to do.”

Her own difficult childhood experience as a mixed-race girl brought up by a white family, and a transformational experience led Rebekah Clark to a lightbulb moment and a mission to change the lives and destinies of children around the world. 

'People think divorce is contagious – I don't get invited to parties anymore'

Caro Giles found herself a single mother to 4 daughters after her marriage broke down. She saved them all through 'a wild kind of mothering'

Looking back I see a woman, driven by hormones, burning her life down

Actor Juliet Cowan found going through the menopause bruising and bewildering, but she emerged feeling more powerful and having “grown into myself”. 

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

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