Expert Advice

Picture: Philippe Wojazer
Why flawed women are absolutely fabulous
It's time to celebrate the foibles that we have as successful women.

Make the best use of your talents, career reboot or pivot
Midlife is the ideal time to make a career change. You do that by exploiting your talents, not changing them.

Reignite your career 6: How to interview well in 10 easy steps
Giving good interview is easier than you think -- and can be the final step to landing the position you want.

Reignite your career 5: 8 ways to stand out on LinkedIn
Create a standout LinkedIn profile and master this crucial midlife networking and job hunting resource

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 4: How to explain a career break
Your career break and life outside of work makes you more interesting. Use it to inspire others and yourself.

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 3: Make your CV sing
A back-to-work CV, aka resume, highlights your experience and skills and — in my opinion — doesn’t try to hide time away from the workforce. Here is how to write it.

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 2: Think like a chess master
Plotting your career requires more than reacting. Here's how to think strategically

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 1: Dump your excuses, write your pitch
Get rid of the things holding you back and learn how you can package yourself to land your next job

Picture: Getty Images
Why it's important to think about ageing well
The women behind the Age-Well Project share their enlightening Manifesto