The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (April 2nd 2023)

Two Queenager authors share the latest neuroscience from their new NY Times bestseller in an exclusive interview with Eleanor Mills

The arty pursuits that can extend your lifespan by ten years

We need to do this to save the planet

Fashion is one of the worst contributors to climate change and the industry is set to double emissions by 2030. If we are going to have any chance of achieving the drastic reduction in global warming that we need to, we HAVE to stop consuming so much. Former fashion editor Tiffanie Darke has a solution and a challenge. 

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (March 28th 2023)

Queenager Life Lessons from our amazing Noon retreat yesterday

Forget the To Do list! Be soft and kind to yourself

Re-thinking your midlife

Each phase of life demands that we grow and change, and with careers moving from sprints to marathons, most of us aren’t fully considering and planning for the long haul. Noon Advisory Board member Avivah Wittenberg-Cox has developed a transformative toolbox to help you transition with clarity and purpose.  

Burning the Wrong Witch

Television is a shockingly perilous place for most female journalists, whatever their age and experience, as Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who was on the Question Time panel when host Fiona Bruce came under fire, reveals. 

What sex is really like in your 50s

When you were younger and firmer, whatever you imagined sex when you got to your 50s would be like, you were almost certainly wrong, as Bibi Lynch reveals. 

“Sex is my addiction. My heroin, my vodka. But much less harmful”

Elizabeth Green grew overlooked in favour of her adored, and eventually infamous, brother. It led her to search for love, and sex, in all the wrong places. Until she moved to New York.

The Top Ten Mistakes to Avoid When You’re Looking For Love

There are two ways of looking for love - three if you’re prepared to wear a sandwich board. But these are the things not to do when you’re searching for someone, as dating coach Delissa Needham explains.

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (March 19th 2023)

If you are finding today difficult, don't worry you are not alone

Mother's Day is bitter-sweet, with much pain for many

Getty Images

Could you do with a Midlife MOT?

The government wants people in mid-life to take stock of their finances, skills, health and careers. Eleanor Mills suggests the questions you should be asking yourself and what the answers show about how ready you are for the next quarter of your life. 

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (March 10th 2023)

It's two years today since I started my Queenager platform - thanks so much for being part of it all.

We are not done, it is not over, we are coming into our prime. Happy Birthday Noon

This is what mid-life women need to get back into the workforce

As the Chancellor announces his plans to incentivise the 3.5 million people of pre-retirement age not in work to return to the workforce, Noon founder Eleanor Mills lays down the gauntlet to companies still stubbornly refusing to recognise the value of older workers.

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

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