The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (February 7th 2023)

If money knocked on your door, what would it look like for you?

Queenagers, money and emotion

Special Valentine's Day offer

Celebrate with our exclusive Two For The One You Love deal

The joy of our midlife gap year & why you should do it too

When Kathinka Horn and her husband Kirstan decided they wanted to shake things up in their lives, they made the decision to go on the sort of trip that most of us only dream of.

The Queenager revolution: Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh celebrate the latters award-season success and prove women really do come into their prime in midlife

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (January 30th 2022)

The point about coming into our prime in midlife is it takes the pressure off those earlier decades.

Slow Down Ladies, there's time!

The company: Balance Me

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (January 22th 2023)

Don't worry, no ice, I promise! Just a very beautiful private lake and wood-fired sauna

Understanding your emotional relationship with money

Managing your mindset about money is key to feeling, and being, in control of your finances as Financial Coach, Sasha Speed, explains.

Want to meet a new partner? Try a relationship retread

Dating coach Delissa Needham has an unusual suggestion for finding a successful new relationship later in life.

I went from being bankrupt and having a breakdown to running a successful business and helping other women to do the same.

The battles Sarah Pittendrigh faced when her life fell apart in her thirties and how she clawed her way back to a life of purpose, success and security has inspired her to pay forward the lessons she learnt through her experiences.

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (January 15th 2023)

Not a sentence I thought I'd ever write...

Prince Harry and the magic of mushrooms...

“We want to shout from the top of our lungs about how magnificent mid-lifers are.”

Infuriated by society and the media’s attitude towards women over 40, Maria Teresa Creasey and her creative partner Rebecca Reeves decided to use their writing, performing and directing skills to champion midlife women and the right to new beginnings at any age. 

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (January 8th 2023)

Wolf Moon and calling in what we want for 2023

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

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