We found 223 items matching your keyword 'queenager'

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (October 2nd 2022)

We've come a long way since Kate Reddy and I don't know how she does it...

We Gen X-ers are worker bees, a pioneering generation of women

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (September 17th 2022)

Endings, empty nests, grieving and moving on

Incontinence: One of the Last Taboos for Queenagers?

Women in their forties and fifties speak about the embarrassment they feel towards their incontinence. Conversations need to be had to provide women with accurate and helpful information.

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (September 10th 2022)

I really liked being an Elizabethan.

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (August 7th 2022)

Holidays, downtime and facing our demons...

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (September 5th 2022)

What meeting Gorbachev taught me; and that back to school feeling!

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (August 28th 2022)

Psychedelics, holidays and changing YOUR mind!

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (August 22nd 2022)

I've been going to the same festival with the same tribe for 17 years... it feels like home.

The Queenager: Eleanor's Letter (July 31st 2022)

Should menopause, like pregnancy, be a protected characteristic at work? And why we need to change the story about the lives of older women.

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (August 14th 2022)

When the personal becomes political: the NHS crisis and other tales.

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (July 3rd 2022)

The image of ideal femininity we grew up with is not fit for current purpose!

Princess Diana, Brownies and our inner critic

The Queenager : Eleanor's Letter (July 24th 2022)

Eleanor celebrated her wedding anniversary and many other exciting things this week.

Eleanor Mills

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Queenager newsletter

by Eleanor Mills

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