Health and Wellbeing

Menopause and sleep: Advice from a sleep expert

Discover the practices that can help you sleep better through the fluctuations of menopause.

Why do advertisers ignore their best customers?

Women want to see their older selves reflected in ads. Why haven't agencies and advertisers caught on?

Why we need more midlife women on our screens

The representation of midlife women onscreen is actually declining. To change it, we must work together


Picture: Getty Images

Understanding women's midlife weight gain

Should we worry about gaining weight around our middles in midlife? Can we do anything about it? Dr Nighat has answers

At 47 I was diagnosed with cancer - my local ladies running club saved my life

After a cancer diagnosis, Josie Lloyd discovered a group of running friends who helped her regain gallows humour and hope.

My life looked perfect in my 40s but I was falling apart inside...

The first half of my life was about being good, being approved of and being thin. It wasn’t until my marriage failed that I learnt what success really looked like, and how to nourish myself and the women I work with.

Picture: Louise Haywood-Schiefer

What I learned about hair, makeup and myself by going grey

For years Kate Spicer coloured her hair. When she stopped, she suddenly learned there were some secrets to going grey.

Understanding life without children

Julia Bueno understands the challenge of losing a child as well as grappling with feelings associated with a childfree life. Here, she gives her insight

Would you rather be thin, or happy?

After dieting and purging for years, Daisy Buchanan asks what really matters

How I survived the pandemic & menopause as an entrepreneur

Menopause, five kids and the pandemic: how one entrepreneur has survived. Liz Matthews on a year like no other.

Picture: Getty Images

Bring a new dimension to walking in nature

Women have been walking in the wilds for hundreds of years. Here, a few lessons on walking that they can teach us.

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

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