Health and Wellbeing

Why I'm childfree by choice

It's a less typical road to choose not to have children. But it's a path that can be embraced, says Kerensa Jennings.

I got diagnosed with ADHD in midlife

Sam Bussey was in midlife when she finally got the diagnosis that explained so much...

I was a fashion insider -- until I burned out

Gret Batchelar's job in fashion was 'perfect'. Except she was exhausted, moody and had a stress-induced ailment.

Why I love post-menopause life

Is menopause as bad as they tell us? For Antonella Gambotto-Burke the answer was no...

Picture: Getty Images

How to repot your life: Part 3

The final stage of repotting your life is about practices that add up to big changes.

Pictures: Getty Images

Me and ME: Coping with ME/ chronic fatigue syndrome

Living with ME/CFS becomes a bigger challenge in midlife.

Picture: Getty Images

How to repot your life: Part 2

Discover the steps to repotting your life

Picture: Getty Images

How to repot your life: Part 1

Have that nagging feeling that your life isn't quite right? You may be potbound. Here's how to repot your life so you can flourish.

Why we're all talking about menopause

Menopause has gone from a topic talked about in hushed tones to a full-on campaign

Pictures: Getty Images

How to improve the way we age

Small regular habits can make a big difference in how we age...and feel. The Age Well Project tells us how.

My PMDD living hell

Sachini Imbuldeniya struggled for years with debilitating symptoms. One day, she discovered they had a name

The best midlife crisis books for women

Reading can get your though the tough times in life, says Sam Baker, including menopause.

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

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