
My new chapter - novelist at 78

All her life Kirsteen Stewart had wanted to write. She discovered that it's never too late by becoming a novelist in her 70s

Come to Eleanor's book events in the UK and Ireland

Join Eleanor Mills and NOON at these book events around the UK and Ireland

Book Club with Emily Edwards

Jennifer Howze, from Noon, speaks to author Emily Edwards, about her book - The Herd: The Thought-provoking and Unputdownable.

Reimagining the Second Half of Life

Sharon Blackie author of Hagitude. psychologist and academic, spoke to Noon founder Eleanor Mills on her first ever Instagram Live about her life's work: reclaiming the stories of female elders and their wisdom which have vanished from our culture. (Go to @uponnoon on Instagram to watch our live). This is an extract from her new book Hagitude.

The Queenager: Best Queenager Books (July 10th 2022)

All my favourite reads for summer - fiction, memoir, polemic. Enjoy!

'I Had My First Child and Published My First Poetry Book in My Forties'

Anita Pati published her first book of poetry, Hiding to Nothing, which explores topics that encapsulate her life as a woman of colour. She writes for Noon about coming to this and other milestones in midlife - and feeling like a late bloomer.

My mum, the hopeless alcoholic

It's hard enough when your mother dies -- but what if you have always had to look after her? That is a whole other story.

Picture: BBC

Hooray for unlikeable heroines

We should embrace female characters who are deeply flawed and not nice

Minnie Driver talks midlife power, Hollywood & Managing Expectations

The Brit and Hollywood A-lister has published a memoir as a collection of essays. Here she talks midlife with Eleanor.

Why we love dogs: Noon talks to Dog Days author Erick Waller

How are dogs important to us and how do they relate to midlife transformations

Why we need female determination and what it means

Noon gathered an illustrious panel to talk for International Women's Day to talk about Female Determination

Poems for midlife

Allie Esiri's collection A Poet for Every Day of the Year features poems for life's big and little moments. We excerpt ones for empty nest, hope, love and more

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

Inspiration, community and joy to get you through the pinchpoints of midlife

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