Eleanor's letter: Why we're only in the foothills of the gender revolution
A week that began with the Budget brings reminders that things are improving ... but not there yet
VIDEO: What Queenagers need to know about AI
Our easy-to-understand webinar tells you what you need to know about AI and how it affects your midlife career
Why NOON is at the Labour Party Conference
NOON founder Eleanor Mills writes about the NOON event at the Labour Party Conference and the opportunity to highlight the power & importance of midlife women
Eleanor's Letter: Why helping Queenagers extends the runway for ALL women
Our new partnership with National Grid highlights how meeting the needs of Queenagers helps younger women as well
How to become a garden designer in midlife: My story
Alice Cairns always loved plants. Then she started wondering how to become a garden designer and do it as a new midlife career...
5 questions to ask yourself about changing your career in midlife
We all reach a stage in our careers – and lives – where we feel an urge to make a work change. Here, 5 things to consider when changing your career in midlife
Why senior women matter
Having more women in senior positions not only improves diversity, it lifts up other people too, writes Eleanor Mills
Saying no at work is my superpower: how to change your attitude
Anniki Sommerville tells how to make saying no an opportunity for a new career path.
What is AI technology? An easy guide for Queenagers
Prof Kerensa Jennings shares what you need to know about AI, why it's important and how it could be your next career