Make the best use of your talents, career reboot or pivot
Midlife is the ideal time to make a career change. You do that by exploiting your talents, not changing them.

Picture: Ray Wells
I lost the job I'd had for 23 years. My world fell apart but now I am glad
Losing her job left Noon editor Eleanor Mills at sea. But then she discovered something new

Reignite your career 6: How to interview well in 10 easy steps
Giving good interview is easier than you think -- and can be the final step to landing the position you want.

Reignite your career 5: 8 ways to stand out on LinkedIn
Create a standout LinkedIn profile and master this crucial midlife networking and job hunting resource

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 4: How to explain a career break
Your career break and life outside of work makes you more interesting. Use it to inspire others and yourself.

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 3: Make your CV sing
A back-to-work CV, aka resume, highlights your experience and skills and — in my opinion — doesn’t try to hide time away from the workforce. Here is how to write it.

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 2: Think like a chess master
Plotting your career requires more than reacting. Here's how to think strategically

Picture: Getty Images
Reignite your career 1: Dump your excuses, write your pitch
Get rid of the things holding you back and learn how you can package yourself to land your next job

Yushi Li: Seeing the world through a female lens
The photographer redirects the male gaze in her striking photographs

Why I left the FT for the classroom and set up Now Teach...
After 31 years as a top journalist, Lucy Kellaway quit to take up teaching...