What to Expect at a NOON Circle

NOON Circles are our signature event. Find out what they are like and how you can attend

When I set up NOON in 2021 I wanted to bring women together to support each other through the mayhem and magnificence of midlife. Having been hoofed out of the job that had defined me after 23 years I felt totally lost. I couldn’t find anything or anywhere that would take me by the hand and help me find my next chapter. That’s why I set up the NOON Circles.

It began because I invited some of the women who were reading my Queenager newsletter to come and meet up so we could share stories of our midlife clusterfuxxs. But it became so much deeper and more enriching than that. When we sit together and really speak from our hearts about how we feel about where we are and where we might go, when we hear from other women who are on the same path – maybe a bit futher a long, maybe where we just were – we are able to share so much wisdom and empathy and support.

A NOON Circle isn’t a coffee morning or a social occasion. Everyone is there because they are in a period of transition, or they feel a bit lost and don’t know what to do next. Some of us have our midlife pivot thrust upon us, others just start feeling increasingly stuck and itchy and know that something has to change. Some of us come because we are lonely, have got dislocated from old friends because of a move or new job or empty nest or we have little in common with the people we meet or know from other stages of life. NOON Circles are above all a chance to meet a new tribe, some new sisters who get you and where you are and share your sense of not being done yet, of there being Much More to Come!

If you fancy coming along to a Circle… this is how it works.


    • You need to be a paid-up member of NOON: You can do that right here on the website (see Membership Options here or upgrade on your account page). It’s £6 a month ((that’s not much more than a coffee) or £50 a year (an even better deal!).
    • Choose your location and sign up: You’ll find all of them listed on our Events page. To book you’ll need to use the access code on the Member Hub. You’ll put that into Eventbrite to reveal the tickets.
    • After you’ve reserved your spot: You’ll get an email introducing you to your host for the evening and info on where to come. Many of our Circles are held in somebody’s home. Our hosts give their time and hospitality for free because the want to help other Queenagers and they’ve seen the power of the NOON Circle for themselves. They want to pay it forward.
    • About the Circle hosts: All our hosts have received some training in hosting Circles, many are qualified therapists and coaches – I am constantly amazed and in awe of the fabulous women in our community
    • On the day: The Circles kick off at 6.30pm. There will be some nibbles and drinks (alcoholic and non) – these are kindly donated by the host so maybe bring something to share with you.
    • Upon arrival: When you arrive you will be asked to give your email and name (so we can keep track of who is going where, it will only be shared with me and the NOON team)
    • To kick off: I will join all the Circles via Zoom at 7pm and say hi and introduce that evening’s theme – often something that I’ve raised in my Queenager newsletter, in the news or from my book Much More to Come. Then your Circle begins with the other Queenagers in the room and your host. It should finish by 8.30pm but can go on a bit longer if you are all in mid flow.
    • Who attends: We try and keep the circles small and intimate – up to a maximum of 12 or 15 depending on what the host is comfortable with (the ones I host in Soho tend to be bigger, maybe 25 so we go on a bit later)
    • About the conversation: The Circle is a place to speak and to be heard, to be listened to and validated. We aren’t here to solve or fix anyone, so please respect that. Everyone gets a chance to speak in turn.
    • A polite note: I love it that so many of you make friends through the NOON circles – feel free to share numbers and contacts if that feels right to you. BUT please respect that this isn’t a networking event, nor is it a place to solicit for work or tout your wares. If you are a coach or have a service to offer the NOON community, please email us at hello@noon.org.uk and we’ll tell you about the NOON Directory where you can tell other Queenagers about your brilliant offerings. But please don’t use the NOON Circle to do this.

    I hope you have a wonderful, resonant, magical time. The healing and transformation that happens in the Circles is truly wondrous. So many fantastic conversations and joy and support. If you have any queries or questions or logistical stuff do email our NOON Community Manager Karen Stenning (who will be familiar to you from lots of our retreats) on karen@inherspace.co.uk or the team at hello@noon.org.uk

    Lots of love and do come and try it, it might just change your life! It did mine!

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