
Discover resources and inspiration for finding and pursuing your purpose

My new chapter - novelist at 78

All her life Kirsteen Stewart had wanted to write. She discovered that it's never too late by becoming a novelist in her 70s

Eleanor's letter: Why now's the time for hope

What is a Queenager?

It's the new term to describe middle-aged women, but what is a Queenager and what does it mean? Eleanor Mills, founder of NOON, explains...

Eleanor's letter: What are you making space for?

The Queenager: I need your help for the next stage

Eleanor's letter: Why we're only in the foothills of the gender revolution

A week that began with the Budget brings reminders that things are improving ... but not there yet

Follow your 'Wild'

Preethi Nair was putting her 'Wild' self in a box. When she let it out, it led down a new path, leading to her latest success, her new novel Unravelling

Eleanor's letter: Women supporting each other is a powerful thing

What Davina McCall showed me about 'sistering' plus how we can be better sisters to all women

I became a lingerie model at 48

Rachel Peru divorced and started over ... before experiencing other set-backs. Then a charity fashion show started her career in mature modelling

The Queenager: I promise it’s never too late, plus my book launch!

My Much More to Come Book launch, a lovely NOON Walk and a big welcome to lots of new Queenagers...

Book launch, NOON Walk and a big welcome to lots of new Queenagers...

Online event: Volunteering – How it helps others ... and ourselves

Volunteering is about doing good, whether with a charity or independently. Our expert panel chats about getting involved, the benefits for others and for ourselves

The Noon Purpose & Power Retreat 2024: Book your room

Discover what awaits you when check in and secure your spot now!

Eleanor Mills

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by Eleanor Mills

Inspiration, community and joy to get you through the pinchpoints of midlife

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